Ouça esse Set: M.C. Lyte-Hits that set the tone for 2024-Best of the Best Mix-Merged
M.C. Lyte-Hits that set the tone for 2024-Best of the Best Mix-Merged

0:00:00 : I̵ce̳̳ ̸̸C̼r̴̴ea̸m ̳̳D̸̸ream̷̷
0:04:25 : MC̷̷ ̵̵Ly̲te Ly̲̲t̳̳e A̵s̶̶ A ͙Rock̴̴
0:08:23 : A͙ct ̸L͛i̼̼k̷̷e ͙Y̴o̸̸u̷̷ K͙n͛o͙͙w̸
0:12:16 : K͛i͛͛ng̸̸ of̳̳ ̶̶R̸̸oc͙͙k̷
0:14:36 : M͛C͙͙ Ly̸t̼e͛͛ ̲ ̵P̴̴ap̼er Th̸i̸n̼
0:18:22 : N̼e͙ver̸̸ ̴H̶ea̼̼r̸̸d̷̷ ̵N̼oth̴i̸̸n’͙͙ ͙͙L̵i͙k̶e̼̼ Thi̲s͙
0:21:28 : K̵a̴̴m̳ika̵̵z̸e
0:25:42 : H̳a̶v̸̸e̴̴ ̷U͙͙ Ev̳̳er̶
0:29:15 : D̴ru͛g̷̷lor̼d̷ Sup̷̷e̼̼r̷st̴̴a̲̲r̴̴
0:33:18 : B̵̵e̷̷y̴ond̷ th̵e̷ ̵H̸̸y̲̲pe͛͛

#M…C…. .L.y.t..e. #Hiphop #Rap #FemaleMC #Oldschoolhiphop #Goldenagehiphop

#timelesspophits #MCLytemusicvideos #MCLyteliveperformances #MCLyteinterviews #MCLytehits #MCLyteofficialchannel

MC Lyte music videos ,MC Lyte live performances ,MC Lyte interviews ,MC Lyte hits ,MC Lyte official channel ,MC Lyte documentaries ,MC Lyte collaborations ,MC Lyte lyrics ,MC Lyte behind the scenes ,MC Lyte greatest hits ,Hip hop ,Rap ,Female MC ,Old school hip hop ,Golden age hip hop

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